PAN Fans Club

Let's talk about PAN paperbacks, the blog for those that do judge a book by its cover. Main site is at or

PAN Fans Club - Let's talk about PAN paperbacks, the blog for those that do judge a book by its cover. Main site is at or

Bomber, Masks, Light Box and a Surprise

We were away in the camper last week and in spite of minus overnight temperatures we were very snug and cosy. While out and about we visited Stowe Gardens, a National Trust property, which has just opened up the ‘Hayloft’ for second hand books and we helped to build up their stock. Surprisingly I din’t buy anything but I did get a Dick Francis from the campsite on the way back!

Bit of a hotch potch this week including the missing edition of ‘Bomber’ coming to light but I can see why it was on the shelf of titles to be replaced as it is very tatty.

I also came across my 1988 copy of ‘Idols’ featuring celebrity mask which shows the diversity of PAN titles and which have not been made. It’s very tempting but so far I have restrained myself. Another example of how diverse was the range of PAN titles.

Having had a glass negative for part of the cover of ‘The Land of Shiner’ for a while I decided I needed to display it better than in a photo frame and when I saw the ‘tracing pads’ on eBay for a couple of pounds I thought I’d try one and it works well. Now to figure out a way to mount safely it on the pad so it can go on the wall.

……. and finally a surprise in a copy of ‘Senor Saint’ I’m used to finding loose cards for things like the ‘Prudential’ and sometimes bound in but as I was about to recycle a reading copy for a better copy I flicked through and found the tatty copy had two cards bound in. Looks like I’m now going to have to keep it as not had one like that before.