PAN Fans Club

Let's talk about PAN paperbacks, the blog for those that do judge a book by its cover. Main site is at or

PAN Fans Club - Let's talk about PAN paperbacks, the blog for those that do judge a book by its cover. Main site is at or

Peter Cheyney, ‘Eastern Flights’ Dustjacket.and ‘Uneasy Terms’

Dean Street Press publishes titles that have long gone out of print including 24 from Peter Cheyney many of which were published by PAN and use the same artwork. I have found at least five that have PAN artwork but are not the right titles so here is a quiz. Try guessing what these Cheyney titles were originally and for the answer click on the book cover.

When I had a better look I noticed the signatures had been removed so I email Dean Street Pres and Victoria kindly replied to say “These editions were published under my brother, Rupert Heath who died last year, so I’m afraid I cannot offer an explanation about the missing signatures. Personally I agree that the artists deserve recognition but Rupert was an art historian and did everything by the rules. Perhaps the images he found had already had the signatures removed?” If he was using the PAN editions which are mostly ‘PEFF’ ‘Keay’ or ‘Sheldon’ then they are clearly signed as in the 3rd PAN printing of 139 ‘Sorry You’ve Been Troubled’ but oddly not G160 ‘Dark Duet’ by Sam Peffer

Having picked up a copy of ’11 Harrowhouse Street’ with a dust jacket recently I was really pleased to get a copy of the US edition of ‘Eastern Nights – and  Flights’ by Alan Bott, founder of PAN Books, also with a dust jacket. The book itself is fairly common but this is the first dust jacket I’ve seen although not the most inspiring. Still trying to find out if this was the ‘house style’ for a series as was common here in the UK?

This weeks book with the same title and same number but this time two years apart is for Peter Cheyney’s ‘Uneasy Terms’ published by PAN as G280 in 1959 and 1961. Both covers are by Sam ‘PEFF’ Peffer but why PAN felt the need for a revamp but kept the exact same back cover I’ve no idea. Not sure who is modelling on the 1961 edition but it  doesn’t look like Kitty.

’11 Harrowhouse’, ‘The Cardinal’ and a ‘Pancubator?’

A while back I posted about David Hyman finding a copy of ’11 Harrowhouse Street’ by Gerald A Browne with a dust jacket.  My first thought was for a film tie-in but the cover underneath also mentions the film. My next thought was maybe the cover was a little ‘raunchy’ by PAN standards but now I think it is probably because the film dropped the word ‘Street’ from the title as does the book dustjacket. I am now pleased to say I have managed to get a copy of my own to add to my collection. Now if I can just find ‘Leviathan’ with a dust jacket …….

This weeks title of same number with different covers is M9 ‘The Cardinal’ by Henry Morton Robinson. The 1960 edition has a cover by David Tayler while the 1963 film tie-in is by Glenn Steward. PAN also published another edition in 1969 as 0330 200097 using the Glenn Steward artwork but no longer mentions the film. Henry Morton Robinson (September 7, 1898 – January 13, 1961) was an American novelist. He was born in Boston and died an unfortunate death in New York, Robinson fell asleep in a hot bath after taking a sedative. Three weeks later, on January 13, 1961, he died in New York of complications from the resulting second and third degree burns.

I was intrigued to see an article by Porter Anderson in last weeks ‘Publishing Perspectives’ I hope they don’t mind as I’ve abridged it as follows;
“Penguin Random House UK unveiled a new Penguin book-vending machine (a successor to the Penguincubator) at Linlithgow Academy in Scotland. The machine is a gift from the publishing house and gives students access to more than 70 titles from Penguin’s “Lit in Colour” reading lists making the work of writers of colour more visible in schools. Jackie Kay, a former Makar or poet laureate of Scotland, joined the presentation. Our discerning readers may note that some of Kay’s books can be seen waiting to be sold in the machine. (‘May Day& ‘The Lamplighter’) Kay’s books are published not by Penguin but by PAN Picador. Indeed, Picador has donated 150 copies of Kay’s books to the inventory of the machine from Penguin”
I think ‘Pancubator’ rolls of the tongue easier than ‘Penguincubator’ so I’m putting it out there for future use, just saying!