PAN Fans Club

Let's talk about PAN paperbacks, the blog for those that do judge a book by its cover. Main site is at or

PAN Fans Club - Let's talk about PAN paperbacks, the blog for those that do judge a book by its cover. Main site is at or

Founder OF PAN Books Alan Bott Part 4

I’ve just realised I’ve missed the fact that Alan Bott was born in Stoke-On-Trent on January 14th 120 years ago . I am putting together a page on his involvements with other publishing companies and not just PAN. He started “The Book Society” in 1929, “The Reprint Society” in 1939, “British Publishers Guild” in 1941, “Avalon Press” in 1945,”PAN” in 1945 and assisted in setting up “The Folio Society” in 1947. “PAN” and “Folio” are still going under their own names and “The Reprint Society” became “BCA – Books Clubs Associates” until it’s demise in 2008.
BCAI still have several other bits and pieces to add but wanted to link this with the birthday.