For quite a while I’ve been trying to track down a true 1st of ‘The Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy’ which is identified by a name on page 53 where it talks about Vogan poetry. Paul Neil Milne Johnstone was a real poet who had attended Brentwood School with Douglas Adams and the two jointly received a prize for English. Later both went on to study at the University of Cambridge. Johnstone’s name was used by Adams as the author of the worst poetry in the universe in a true 1st /1st printing of the book but this was changed to Paula Nancy Millstone Jennings for all subsequent versions of Hitchhiker’s after Johnstone objected. He didn’t object to the description of his poetry but to the inclusion of his address. To see the relevant sections click HERE After asking many sellers the question “What name is on page 53?” at last the right answer came back from Ireland and now a copy has joined my collection.

Harry Wittington, author of over 85 novels under 17 different names died on the 11th June 1989. He wrote eight ‘slave’ titles published by PAN using the name Ashley Carter. Most of them are continuations of the ‘Falconhurst’ or ‘Blackoaks’ series but not all. Click HERE to se the covers.
…. and finally a great find on eBay and luckily the seller offered ‘Buy It Now’ It is made of card, measures about 12″ by 8″ and the frame is on order! It was £6:00 and included postage which was nearly £3:00 plus the cost of the excellent packing made it a real bargain.

As PAN changed the logo from round to rectangular in 1957 this must be about 62 years old.